Case Study: Guided by Tanya


One of the projects we worked on was with the young founder of Guided by Tanya. Esther and I were immediately impressed by her bold move to “quit” the American dream – she graduated from Harvard, had a high-paying job at a great company… let’s face it, this girl had it all! However, she felt like she could do and accomplish much more, and that is exactly what she did. 

She started to treat her life as a series of small experiments and realized that she could make progress towards her dreams by taking small mindful actions every day. And that is how Guided by Tanya was founded. Its purpose is to give creatives and people going through a life change the help they need to achieve financial stability and inner fulfillment. As she claims: Living mindfully is living meaningfully.

Project Scope

When Tanya first approached us, her goal was to increase her brand awareness through social media. But for us it meant much more because we wanted to give much more. It is important to understand that a good social media strategy comes from clearly defined and developed brand strategy. That is why we started from what actually makes up a brand:

  • we covered the internal branding (brand purpose, brand positioning, mission & vision, brand personality & tone of voice),

  • and we continued with the external branding (logo, website, slogan, and other visual assets).

But we didn’t stop there. As I earlier said, we wanted to show much more for Tanya’s brand strategy. Our project scope included customer research (survey and analysis and market research), customer’s feedback and perception, and lastly, our perception. We analyzed Tanya’s idols and people she follows, so we can understand more who Tanya is. This is only a part of our project, but the end goal is to create unique and customized services for Tanya’s target market.

The last part was Marketing mix (product, price, promotion and place) which is extremely important in this heavily saturated industry that is very popular in the USA where Tanya lives. A careful analysis of each element as well as the decisions made can determine the destiny of a business’s success.

Project Progress

As I said in one of our earlier blogs, our specialty is helping new brands enter the market with a clearly defined vision & brand positioning, which combined with digital marketing solutions, will set the right tone in today’s digital world.

Following our constructive process, we are currently working on the social media strategy and Tanya’s overall digital presence. 

In a nutshell, we did the following in only a few weeks:

  • Defined the target market and the ideal clientele,

  • Defined the overall brand strategy,

  • Completed the marketing mix ,

  • Collected and analyzed surveys and customer feedback, 

  • Did secondary research on competitors,

  • Defined visual messaging and storytelling through marketing efforts,

  • Solidified their brand personality, tone of voice, & key brand messages.

This is only the first part of the Brand Strategy, so stay tuned for an update about the social media strategy and Tanya’s progress!

If you want to know more about our project portfolio, results, and success stories - you know where to find us!

- Azra


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