Strategic Branding and Marketing in 2022

It’s already December, and 2021 is coming to an end. If you’re anything like us, you’re probably wondering where the year has gone. With the combination of the pandemic and a year of adjustments, this year has really sped by.

2021 was a big year for Apher. It was the year we began, the year we got our first paying client, the first year we’ve survived and flourished. We want to take a moment to thank everyone who’s been a part of our journey and encouraged our business to grow. We wouldn’t be here without all of you!!

So what better way to end our year in blogs than a look-forward to 2022? Here are some marketing and branding nuggets you should be looking out for as we ring in the new year.

1. Organic Content

While paid ads have driven marketing and sales in many businesses for many years, the tides are starting to shift. Especially with the new iOS changes, Facebook Ads are especially seeing a dip in effectiveness. While this is only one example, it begs the question: how long will paid ads stay effective? Is it sustainable?

That’s why organic content will shine in 2022. It’s a long-term commitment, yes, because for organic content to be effective, the strategy behind it needs to be consistent. Viral content can be effective for an initial kick-off, but at the end of the day, successful content is reliable, always valuable, and branded well. 

If you need some expert strategists for organic content, you can reach out to us!

2. In-Person Events

With vaccinations fully rolling out and many communities feeling safer from the pandemic, there is no question that in-person events will start popping up again (yes, even with Omicron). In fact, one of our co-founders, Azra, went to a massive in-person conference in Milan just a few weeks back! And the rest of the world is gearing up to return with conferences, trade shows, and promotion events that serve as major platforms of networking and creating business partnerships.

More importantly, we’re tired of webinars! The term “webinar fatigue” exists for a reason, because people are tired of learning and trying to network from their computer screens. Just when people are feeling this way is the perfect time to launch a safely organized in-person event. Not only does it encourage community building and networking, all of which is always beneficial to you and your business, but it’s also an opportunity to bring some joy and sense of excitement to others, who are also definitely struggling from computer screen fatigue. 

3. Strategic Rebranding

Have you also seen pandemic glow-ups everywhere on social media?

People have taken the opportunity of being locked in to invest in themselves. You’ll see people attempt a new workout routine, start a new healthy eating plan, redecorate their rooms or offices, invest in their skin with new skin care routines, or even start a new business from home. (Oh wait, that’s us!)

Why should your business brand be any different? With so much shifting in the world, this is the perfect time to consider rebranding your business. If you’re thinking that perhaps rebranding is a good idea, ask yourself these questions:

  1. Do you feel like your messaging still reflects your brand personality?

  2. Would you feel embarrassed by your logo if it was next to other logos?

  3. Have you found it difficult to design content with your brand colors recently?

  4. Are you seeing other brands and their brand elements that you’d want to model your brand after?

If you answered “yes” to any or all of these questions, it might be worth considering a rebrand. In order to do so properly, you’ll need to start with a comprehensive brand audit. Then, you can dive into what your rebranded identity will look like. Finally, don’t forget the big brand reveal!

Not sure how all this might work? We’re rebrand experts, so we can help out! 

Again, 2021 was a doozy, but it was definitely a year to remember. Thank you all for your support, and we’re so excited to continue our services in 2022. Happy holidays, and happy new year!


Case Study: Cuddle Sleeve


Tuttofood Milan Exhibition